
Antropologija putovanja i turizma

Semestar: 9
Broj ECTS kredita: 6
Obavezan: Ne
Fond časova: 2+0
Smjer: Kultura i turizam

Opis predmeta


Predmet sagledava fenomen kretanja kroz istoriju, počevši od najranijih čovjekovih migracija do savremenih oblika turizma. Osim definisanja ključnih pojmova iz oblasti antropologije putovanja i turizma, predstavlja se i pregled čovjekovih najranijih seoba, ali i vrste i uzroci modernih migracija. Posebna pažnja se poklanja kako analizi ponašanja prvih putnika – trgovaca, istraživača, hodočasnika itd. koji se smatraju pretečama turista u današnjem smislu riječI, tako i savremenih turistima, motivima njihovog putovanja, karakteristikama savremenih  turističkih kretanja itd.



Nakon završenog kursa student je osposobljen da:


-Sagledava i analizira kompleksnost fenomena kretanja kroz istoriju;

-Primjenjuje ključne pojmove iz oblasti antropologije putovanja i turizma;

-Diskutuje o vrstama i uzrocima migracija kroz istoriju- počev od prvih migracija do migracija savremenog doba;

-Upoređuje i diskutuje o ponašanju turista kroz istoriju, kao i o ključnim motivima i karakteristikama njihovog putovanja.




Course description


The course examines the phenomenon of movement through history, starting from the earliest human migrations to modern forms of tourism. In addition to defining key concepts in the field of travel and tourism anthropology, an overview of man's earliest migrations is presented, as well as the types and causes of modern migrations. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the behavior of the first travelers - merchants, researchers, pilgrims, etc. who are considered forerunners of tourists in today's sense, and modern tourists, the motives of their travels, the characteristics of modern tourist movements, etc.



After completing the course the student is able to:


-Observe and analyze the complexity of the phenomenon of movement through history;

-Apply key concepts in the field of travel and tourism anthropology;

-Discuss the types and causes of migrations throughout history - from the first migrations to the migrations of modern times;

-Compare and discuss the behavior of tourists throughout history - motives and characteristics of their journey.

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