
Sociologija umjetnosti

Semestar: 5
Broj ECTS kredita: 3
Obavezan: Da
Fond časova: 1+0
Smjer: Kultura i turizam
Opis kursa:
Ovaj kurs studentima pruža osnovna znanja o tradiciji, civilizaciji, konceptu i karakteristikama kulture masovnog društva, konceptu kiča i kiča u savremenoj kulturi, konceptu i definiciji slobodnog vremena, funkcijama slobodnog vremena, kulturi razonode , snobizmu, boemstvu, pojmu i funkciji mode i konceptu umjetnosti. Akcenat će biti stavljen i na odnos umjetnosti i društva, teoriji avangardne umetnosti - avangarda kao kritika i kritika avangarde. Studenti će se takođe upoznati sa definicijama, karakteristikama i funkcijama humora, konceptom satire i njenim funkcijama, teorijama jezika i govora, socijalnim karakterom jezika, konceptom i definicijom igre u modernoj civilizaciji. U fokusu kursa biće i religija kroz prizmu stvaranja kulture i načina života, koncept morala i oblici moralnog života, kriza morala i moralnost krize, ciljevi i sredstva kulturne politike, tržište i kulturne vrijednosti, vrednovanje kulturne baštine.
Nakon odslušanog kursa student će biti osposobljen da:
  - Identifikuje i analizira osnovne teorije, koncepte i ideje sociologije umjetnosti;
  - Razumije koncept slobodnog vremena I razonode i njihovu važnost za ljudsku kreativnost i kulturu;
  - Razumije i kritički analizira pojam culture iz različitih uglova I sa različitih aspekata;
  - Kritički analizira različite sociološke fenomene;
  - Unapređuje sopstvene retoričke i debatske vještine i sposobnosti.
Course description:
This course is designated to provide basic knowledge of tradition, civilization, the concept and characteristics of the culture of mass society, the concept of kitsch and kitsch in contemporary culture, the concept and definition of free time, functions of free time, culture of leisure, snobbery, bohemianism, the concept and function of fashion, and the concept of art. The accent will also be put on the relationship between art and society, the theory of avant-garde art - avant-garde as a critique and critique of the avant-garde. The students will also be introduced definitions, characteristics and functions of humor, the concept of satire and its functions, theories of language and speech, the social character of language, the concept and definition of the game in modern civilization. The focus of the course will also be put on religion as a creation of culture and religion and way of life, the concept of morality and forms of moral life, crisis of morality and morality of crisis, goals and means of cultural policy, market and cultural values, valuation of cultural heritage.
Upon the completion of this course, student will be able to:
  - Identify and analyse the basic theories, concepts and ideas of sociology of art;
  - Understand and discuss the concepts of free time, leisure and their importance for human creativity, creativity and culture;
  - Understand and discuss the broad and ambiguous concept of culture, i.e. its various aspects and premises;
  - Analyse and critically discuss different social phenomena;
  - Strenghten their rhetoric and debating skills and competences.

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