

Semestar: 2
Broj ECTS kredita: 4
Obavezan: Da
Fond časova:
Smjer: Kultura i turizam

Opis kursa:


Ovaj predmet ima za cilj da upozna studente sa osnovama rada na računaru kako bi stekli znanja, vještine i kompetencije koje su im neophodne kako bi adekvatno odgovorili potrebama savremenog tržišta rada. Studenti će steći osnovna znanja o hardveru, sofveru i operativnim sistemima. U toku samog kursa studenti će naučiti da koriste Microsoft office paket- Word, PowerPoint, Excel, kao i Access i Outlook. Akcenat će biti stavljen i na sigurnost, zaštitu i etička pitanja koji se odnose na korišćenje Interneta i društvenih mreža.


Nakon završenog kursa student će biti osposobljen da:


  - Opišu i objasne ključne koncepte u Informatici;

  - Imenuju ključne elemente kompjutera i objasne njihovu funkciju;

  - Koriste Microsoft Office paket: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, kao i Access i Outlook;

  - Koriste interneta u poslovne svrhe;

  - Primjenjuju principe  sigurnosti, zaštite i ključnih etičkih pitanja koji  se odnose na korišćenje Interneta i društvenih mreža.


Course description:


This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of computer concepts and essential skills necessary for work and communication in today's society. Students will also learn about input/output systems, computer hardware and operating systems. Students work with an integrated office software suite called Microsoft Office. Students will learn intermediate Word Processing (Word), Presentation (PowerPoint), and Spreadsheet (Excel) skills.  Students learn the basics of Database Management Systems (Access) as well as Personal Information Management software (Outlook). The accent will also be put on safety, security and ethical issues in computing and social networking.


Upon the completion of this course, student will be able to:


  - Name, describe and explain the concepts of informatics and computing;

  - Distinguish and explain the parts of computers and the functions they perform;

  - Apply programs to word processing (Word), spreadsheets (Excel) and presentations (Power Point) for data processing;

  - Manipulate files and folders within the Windows operating system;

  - Use basics of Database Management Systems (Access) as well as Personal Information Management software (Outlook).

  - Use the Internet for business purposes;

  - Be familiar with safety, security and ethical issues in computing and social networking.

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