Opis predmeta
Kreativne industrije neodvojive su od čitavog niza aktivnosti unutar sektora kulturne baštine, što rezultira širim spektrom iskoristivosti kulturnih i turističkih proizvoda u ekonomskom smislu i dovodi do potencijalnog preklapanja s kulturom uopšte, te životnim stilom i neprofitnim sektorima, kad je riječ o stvaranju i u iskorišćavanju intelektualnog vlasništva. Tokom nastave na ovom predmetu studenti će steći znanja o različitim aspektima međuzavisnosti kreativnih industrija i kulture s posebnim osvrtom na odnos prema promociji turizma kao izuzetno važnog segmenta realizacije procesa brendiranja države (state branding); što, sveukupno uzevši, podrazumijeva i adekvatno korišćenje rezultata postignutih u okviru razvoja kulturnih i kreativnih industrija u promociji bogatog nacionalnog kulturnog nasljeđa i tradicije.
Nakon završetka kursa, student će biti osposobljen da:
-Analizira i tumači različite aspekte međuzavisnosti kreativnih industrija i kulture s posebnim osvrtom na odnos prema promociji turizma kao izuzetno važnog segmenta realizacije procesa brendiranja države;
-Adekvatno primjenjuje rezultate postignute u okviru razvoja kulturnih i kreativnih industrija u promociji bogatog nacionalnog kulturnog nasljeđa i tradicije.
Course description
Creative industries are inseparable from a range of activities within the cultural heritage sector, resulting in a wider range of uses of cultural and tourism products in economic terms and leading to potential overlap with culture in general, and lifestyle and non-profit sectors when it comes to creating and exploiting intellectual property. During this course, students will gain knowledge about various aspects of the interdependence of creative industries and culture with special emphasis on the attitude towards the promotion of tourism as an extremely important segment of the implementation of the state branding process; which, taken as a whole, implies the adequate use of the results achieved within the development of cultural and creative industries in the promotion of the rich national cultural heritage and tradition.
Upon the completion of the course, student will be able to:
- Analyze and interpret various aspects of the interdependence of creative industries and culture with special reference to the attitude towards the promotion of tourism as an extremely important segment of the implementation of the state branding process;
- Adequately apply the results achieved within the development of cultural and creative industries in the promotion of rich national cultural heritage and traditions.