
Kulturna baština IV

Semestar: 4
Broj ECTS kredita: 5
Obavezan: Da
Fond časova:
Smjer: Kultura i turizam

Opis kursa:


Glavni cilj ovog predmeta jeste da studenti steknu osnovna znanja o specifičnim temama u vezi zaštite kulturne baštine (kulturnog nasljeđa) na globalnom i nacionalnom (crnogorskom) nivou, a kroz upoznavanje s istorijatom zaštite, normativnim i institucionalnim okvirom. Naročita pažnja biće usmjerena na pravni i institucionalni/organizacioni kontekst u polju zaštite kulturne baštine i kulturnih dobara u Crnoj Gori u prošlosti i sadašnjosti (javni, privatni i civilni sektor), kao i na nacionalni naučni i obrazovni sistem u ovom domenu. Takođe, dio kurikuluma odnosiće se i na veze kulturne baštine i biznis sektora, prije svega kreativnih industrija, medija itd. Konačno, predmet nastoji i da uveća nivo svjesnosti o prijetnjama i izazovima po nasljeđe u aktuelnom i budućem vremenu.


Po završetku ovog predmeta, student će bitu osposobljen da:


  - Objasni, tumači i diskutuje o procesima zaštite baštine na globalnom i nacionalnom nivou;

  - Razumije i pruži znanje o normativnom okviru zaštite kulturne baštine – uopšte i u Crnoj Gori;

  - Prepozna glavne nosioce procesa zaštite kulturne baštine i kulturnih dobara, razumije i opiše njihovu ulogu i značaj;

  - Posjeduje znanje o tome koja institucija/organizacija u Crnoj Gori je zadužena za koju vrstu kulturne baštine, njenu zaštitu, valorizaciju i promociju;

  - Iz različitih perspektiva i uglova prepozna potencijale kulturne baštine za benefite/izazove koje može po društvo da donese.


Course description:


The main goal of this course is to students acquire basic knowledge on specific topics related to the protection of cultural heritage at the global and national (Montenegrin) level through acquaintance with the history of protection, normative and institutional framework. Special focus will be put on legislative and institutional/organizational context in the field of cultural heritage and cultural properties protection in Montenegro in the past and present time (public, private and civil sector) as well as on the scientific and educational system in this field at national level. Also, part of the curriculum will refer to the links between cultural heritage and the business sector, primary creative industries, media, etc. Finally, the course also tends to increase the level of awareness of global heritage threats and challenges in the present and future times.


Upon the completion of this course, student will be able to:


  - Explain, analyse and discuss the process of heritage protection at global and national level;

  - Understand and share knowledge on legislative framework of heritage protection – in general and in Montenegro;

  - Identify the main stakeholders in the process of cultural heritage and cultural properties protection, understand and describe their role and importance;

  - Posses knowledge on which institution/organization in Montenegro is responsible for which type of cultural heritage, its protection, valorization and promotion;

  - From different perspectives and points of view recognize potentials of cultural heritage for benefits/challenges which can bring to society.




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