
Current Events in the Hospitality Industry

Semestar: 3
Broj ECTS kredita: 2
Obavezan: Da
Fond časova:
Smjer: VATEL studije




Students must have deep knowledge of the current events taking place in the hotel and restaurant services industries where they are studying and will be working. They will learn how to look for information, analyze it and summarize it. This course will allow them to link skills and knowledge acquired in the other courses with current events in the industry.


Goal of the course:


  - Being able to gather intelligence in professional current events;

  - Having a perfect knowledge of current events going on in the local, nationwide and international hotel and restaurant services sector.


Skills to be acquired:


  - Know how to search for information;

  - Knowing how to build a Press Review;

  - Development of a synthetic spirit;

  - Development of a critical spirit.


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