Kineska direktorka Konfučijeve učionice za turizam na UDG-u
Doktorat iz nauke o menadžmentu i inženjeringu
Radno iskustvo:
- 2024 – danas: Kineska direktorka Konfučijeve učionice za turizam na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica (UDG)
- 2011 – danas: Vanredna profesorica, Odsjek za e-trgovinu, Bejing Union University
- 2009 – 2011: Postdoktorska istraživačica, Kineska akademija nauka
- 2006 – 2009: Doktorat iz nauke o menadžmentu i inženjeringu, Kineska akademija nauka
- 2004 – 2006: Master iz poslovne administracije, Kineska akademija nauka
Stručne kompetencije i istraživački interesi:
- Internet ekonomija
- Obnova ruralnih područja
- Menadžment preduzeća
Dodatne aktivnosti:
- Objavila preko 30 naučnih radova i autorka je monografije
- Učestvovala u više od 20 državnih, pokrajinskih i opštinskih projekata
- Saradnja na konsultantskim projektima za više velikih preduzeća
Neki od radova:
- [ 2024 ] Humanitarian Supply Chain Agility A Blockchain Integration Perspective
Reference: Dong, Y., Song, L., Fu, L. & Zhang, G. (2024). Humanitarian Supply Chain Agility:
A Blockchain Integration Perspective. Tehnički vjesnik, 31 (5), 1660-1667.
- [ 2019 ] Evaluation of Urbanization Efficiency for Coastal Port Cities in China
Reference: Hong, H., & Fu, L. (2019). Evaluation of urbanization efficiency for coastal port
cities in China. Journal of Coastal Research, 98(SI), 335-338.
- [ 2019 ] Ecological design: The role of extended producer responsibility system Reference: Dong, Y., Zhang, F., & Fu, L. (2019). Ecological design: The role of extended
producer responsibility system. Journal of Coastal Research, 93(SI), 354-361.
- [ 2019 ] Eco - Compensation Standard under River Basin Control: A Perspective from
Asymmetric Game
Reference: Dong, Y., Zheng, Q., & Fu, L. (2019). Eco-Compensation Standard under River
Basin Control: A Perspective from Asymmetric Game. Journal of Coastal Research, 94(SI),
- [ 2019 ] Research on the Influencing Factors of Entrepreneurial Intentions based on
Mediating Effect of Self-actualization
Reference: Dong, Y., Pang, L., & Fu, L. (2019). Research on the influencing factors of
entrepreneurial intentions based on mediating effect of self-actualization. International
Journal of Innovation Science, 11(3), 388-401