
Doc. dr Božidar Vlačić

Dr Božidar Vlačić je osnovne i postdiplomske studije završio je na Univerzitetu Crne Gore na smjeru za međunarodni biznis, a doktorske studije na Univerzitetu u Vigu u Španiji i stekao zvanje doktora ekonomskih analiza i poslovne strategije.Tokom studija nagrađivan je raznim stipendijama (UGRAD Global, Erasmus Mundus Sigma projekat, Erasmus Mundus Green Tech projekat) i nagradama (nagrada TORRECID za najbolji doktorski predlog). Tokom 2018. godine bio je honorarni istraživač u ECOBAS-ovoj strateškoj grupi na Univerzitetu u Vigu i postdoktorski istraživač u Istraživačkom centru za menadžment i ekonomiju-CEGE (Catolica Porto Business School, Portugal).Od 2019. godine radi kao docent u poslovnoj školi Catolica Porto, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Portugal). Aktivan je član Evropske međunarodne poslovne akademije i njegovo istraživačko interesovanje nalazi se na presjeku kognitivne psihologije, procesa internacionalizacije i marketinga.


Naučni radovi:

-Marzi, G., Caputo, A., Fakhar Manesh, M., Pellegrini, M., & Vlačić. B. (2022), Do or do not. Cognitive configurations affecting Open Innovation adoption in SMEs, Technovation. 

-Eduardsen, J., Marinova, S., González-Loureiro, M. & Vlačić, B. (2022). Business group affiliation and SMEs’ international sales intensity and diversification: A multi-country study, International Business Review, available online ahead of print 

-Corbo, L., Vlačić, B., Kraus, S., Dabić, M., Caputo, A. & Pellegrini, M. (2022), Coopetition and Innovation: a review and research agenda, Technovation, 

-Dabić, M., Vlačić, B, Guerrero, M. & Daim, T. (2022), University SpinOffs: The past, the present, and the future”, Studies in Higher Education, 

-Silva, S., De Cicco, R., Vlačić, B., Elmashhara, M. (2022) ” Using chatbots in e-retailing – how to mitigate perceived risk and enhance the flow experience, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 

-Dabic, M., Marzi, G., Hjortsø, C.M., & Vlačić, B. (2022), Open Innovation in the food industry: what we know, what we don’t know, what we need to know, British Food Journal [editorial] 

-Dabić, M., Obradović, T., Vlačić, B., Sahasranamam, S. & Paul, J. (2022) Frugal Innovations: A Multidisciplinary Review & Agenda for Future Research, Journal of Business Research. Available online ahead of print at 

-Vlacic, B., Santos, I.G., Silva, S.C., and González-Loureiro, M. (2022), Entrepreneurial Cognition and Internationalization Speed: Towards a Potential Moderating Effect of Experiential and Rational Information Processing", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 

-Silva, S., Elo, M. & Vlačić, B. (2022) The role of satisfaction in labour diaspora dynamics: an analysis of Brexit effects”, Thunderbird International Business Review, 65 (1), 143-159. 

-Vlačić, B., Corbo, L., Silva, S., & Dabić, M. (2021). The Evolving role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: Advanced topics and Research agenda, Journal of Business Research, 128 (May 2021), 187-203.

-Obradović, T., Vlačić, B., Dabić, M. (2021). Open innovation in the manufacturing industry: A review and research agenda”, Technovation 

-Dabić, M., Marzi, G., Vlačić, B., Daim, T. & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2021). 40 years of excellence: an overview of Technovation and a roadmap for future research”, Technovation. 

-Dabić, M., Vlačić, B., Kiessling, T., Caputo, A., & Pellegrini, M. (2021) “Serial entrepreneurs: A review of literature and guidance for future research”, Journal of Small Business Management

-Stojković, D., Dokić, A., Vlacic, B. & Silva, S. (2021), "Toward the inter-channel synergy renaissance in emerging markets: evidence from adding clicks to bricks in Serbia", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 

-Silva, S.C., Corbo, L, Vlačić, B., & Fernandes, M., (2021). Marketing accountability and marketing automation: Evidence from Portugal, EuroMed Journal of Business 


dr Božidar Vlačić
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