
Economic Law

Semestar: 8
Broj ECTS kredita: 4
Obavezan: Da
Fond časova:
Smjer: VATEL studije


This course targets economic laws. Brand law is studied as it was in the marketing course, and the right to competition as a complement to economics and corporate strategy. Students will not be trained to become experienced legal experts, but will be initiated in complex legal concepts with a very strong international outreach.


Goal of the course:

- Thorough comprehension of the basics of brand laws and laws concerning domain names;

- Thorough comprehension of the basics of laws on economic competition.


Skills to be acquired:

- Knowing how to define, file and defend a brand;

- Becoming aware of the importance a brand has from a legal point of view;

- Thorough comprehension of the key rules governing the right to competition.

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