
Sociologija kulture i turizma

Semestar: 5
Broj ECTS kredita: 3
Obavezan: Da
Fond časova:
Smjer: Kultura i turizam

Opis kursa:



Ovaj kurs studentima pruža osnovna znanja o tradiciji, civilizaciji, konceptu i karakteristikama kulture masovnog društva, konceptu kiča i kiča u savremenoj kulturi, konceptu i definiciji slobodnog vremena, funkcijama slobodnog vremena, kulturi razonode , snobizmu, boemstvu, pojmu i funkciji mode i konceptu umjetnosti. Akcenat će biti stavljen i na odnos kulture i i društva, kao i ulogu i značaj igre u modernoj civilizaciji. U fokusu kursa biće i religija kroz prizmu stvaranja kulture i načina života, koncept morala i oblici moralnog života, kriza morala i moralnost krize, ciljevi i sredstva kulturne politike, tržište i kulturne vrijednosti, vrednovanje kulturne baštine. Posebna pažnja će biti posvećena sticanju znanja iz područja slobodnog vremena i dokolice, te opštim i posebnim znanjima iz sociologije turizma koja će studenti koristiti kako bi mogli kompetentno i profesionalno odlučivati o strategijama i taktikama u okviru poslovanja unutar turističkog sastava.


Nakon odslušanog kursa student će biti osposobljen da:


- Identifikuje i analizira osnovne teorije, koncepte i ideje sociologije kulture i turizma;

- Razumije koncept slobodnog vremena i razonode i njihovu važnost za ljudsku kreativnost i kulturu;

- Razumije i kritički analizira pojam kulture iz različitih uglova i sa različitih aspekata;

- Analizira turizam kao društveni fenomen I njegovu ulogu u društvu;

- Prepozna turističke potrebe kako društvene tako i lične;

- Objasni turizam kao oblik slobode pojedinca, prepozna subjekte turizma i njihovu ulogu u turizmu;

- Kritički analizira različite sociološke fenomene;

- Unapređuje sopstvene retoričke i debatske vještine i sposobnosti.



Course description:


This course provides students with basic knowledge of the tradition, civilization, concept and characteristics of mass society culture, the concept of kitsch and kitsch in contemporary culture, the concept and definition of leisure, leisure functions, leisure culture, snobbery, bohemianism, the concept and function of fashion and the concept of art . Emphasis will also be placed on the relationship between culture and society,  as well as the role and the importance of play in modern civilization. The focus of the course will be religion through the prism of creating culture and way of life, the concept of morality and forms of moral life, the crisis of morality and the morality of the crisis, goals and means of cultural policy, market and cultural values, evaluation of cultural heritage. Special attention will be paid to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of leisure and leisure, and general and special knowledge in the sociology of tourism that students will use in future work in order to be able to competently and professionally decide on business strategies and tactics within the tourist composition.


After completing the course, the student will be able to:


- Identify and analyse the basic theories, concepts and ideas of sociology of culture and tourism;

- Understands the concept of free time and leisure and their importance for human creativity and culture;

- Understand and critically analyse the concept of culture from different angles and from different aspects;

- Analyse tourism as a social phenomenon and its role in society;

- Recognize tourist needs, both social and personal;

- Explain tourism as a form of individual freedom, recognize the subjects of tourism and their role in tourism;

- Critically analyse various sociological phenomena;

- Improve his/her own rhetorical and debate skills and abilities.

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