
​Modul Kultura - Kreativne industrije u kulturi

Semestar: 6
Broj ECTS kredita: 4
Obavezan: Ne
Fond časova:
Smjer: VATEL studije

Cilj kursa je razumevanje koncepta kulturne i kreativne industrije kao industrije čiji su output različiti materijalni i nematerijalni umetnički i kreativni proizvodi koji imaju potencijal da generišu prihod kroz eksploataciju kulturnih dobara i proizvoda i usluga  koji se zasnivaju na njima. Fokus je stavljen na teoriju kulturnih i kreativnih industrija, glavne principe klasičnih kulturnih industrija (osobenosti kulturnih dobara, modeli njihove komercijalizacije i rizici njihove proizvodnje), evoluciju kulturnih industrija u digitalno doba i transformaciju kulturnih industrija nakon digitalne revolucije , kreativne industrije i kulturne industrije, različite teorije i pristupe politikama u kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama, koncept intelektualne svojine. Sam kurs uključuje nekoliko modula kao što su: Marketing u kulturi, Kreativnost u filmskoj industriji, Muzika, Profilisanje u kulturi itd. koje vode eksperti iz pomenutih oblasti.


Nakon završenog kursa, student će biti osposobljen da:


  - Analizira i diskutuje o kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama;

  - Jasno identifikuje preduzetnički potencijal koji nude kreativne industrije;

  - Analizira međunarodno i nacionalno tržište, koristeći adekvatne strategije i tehnike i pravilno identifikuje ključne ciljne niše;

  - Priprema odgovarajući finansijski plan i aplicira za sredstva iz različitih fondova;

  - Kreira i primjenjuje različite  strategije koje se odnose na postojeća i nova tržišta;

  - Kreira i realizuje biznis plan;

  - Primjenjuje koncept zaštite intelektualne svojine.


Course description:


The aim of the course is to understand the concept of cultural and creative industries as industries that produce tangible and intangible artistic and creative products, and that have the potential to create wealth and generate income through the exploitation of cultural goods and the production of knowledge-based goods and services. The focus is put on theory of cultural and creative industries, main principles of classic cultural industries (peculiarities of cultural goods, models of their commercialization and risks of their production), evolution of cultural industries in digital age and transformations of cultural industries after digital revolution, creative industries and cultural industries,  different theories and approaches to policies in cultural and creative industries, concept of intellectual property. The course itself includes several modules such as: Marketing in culture, Creativity in film industry, Music, Profiling in culture etc. leaded by different experts from these fields.


Upon the completion of this course, student will be able to:


  - Briefly discuss and analyse the cultural and creative industries;

  - Clearly identify the entrepreneurial potential offered by creative industries;

  - Develops a perspective on the creative industries and creative economy;

  - Draws insights from media and cultural studies, innovation economics, cultural policy studies and economic and cultural geography;

  - Explores what it means for policy-makers when culture and creativity move from the margins to the center of economic dynamics;

  - Analyse global and national market using appropriate tools and techniques and identify the most important market niches appropriately;

  - Make appropriate financial plan and apply for different funds and different sources of financing;

  - Create and apply different strategies for new and existing markets ;

  - Prepare and realise business plan;

  - Apply the concept of protection of intellectual property.

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